Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rest In Peace Dennis Hopper

Dennis Lee Hopper (May 17, 1936 – May 29, 2010). An American actor, filmmaker, artist, and counter-culture icon.


Welcome Back Mr. West

Kanye West - POWER

Friday, May 28, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Dream Finally Came True...

French artist Nils Guadagnin has made my dream into a reality. Ever since I first watched Back to the Future II, I've been waiting for the millennium to get a Hoverboard. Now thanks to Nils I might be getting one sooner than later.

"The board floats through simple electromagnetism, but the more brilliant part of the design seems to be a laser stabilization system that, we're assuming, dynamically adjusts the magnets to keep the board afloat under duress. Just watch Nils push on the board near the end of the clip. It responds with little more than a shrug."

Friday, May 14, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010


Remembering Roy DeCarava

Friday, May 7, 2010

OHWOW Book Club designed by Rafael De Cardenas

Drawing inspiration from stepping patterns commonly found in Navajo blankets, Rafael de Cardenas constructs a new retail space for OHWOW, the creative collective spearheaded by Al Moran and Aaron Bondaroff. The OHWOW Book Club is located below street level in a landmarked historic brownstone on Waverly Place. At 150 sq ft, this pocket-sized store was conceived by de Cardenas to echo a classic black & white, pre-war NYC bathroom. Its shelving units appear stacked one atop the other and the negative space behind the shelves lends a floating sensation. A layered pattern of stream-lined brushstrokes on the walls, coupled with reflective angular mylar shapes and sharp fluorescent lighting give the space a sense of disorientation and chaos, fitting in OHWOW's vision of creating a heterotopic arena for cultural projects.

OHWOW Book Club
227 Waverly Place
New York, NY 10014
Tuesday - Sunday 11am - 8pm

MAM Contemporaries Social

Sunday Service at BARDOT

Gorillas and BARDOT proudly bring you...

by Max Pierre of Gorillas and Maseo of De La Soul

9pm 'till the party stops

With Resident DJ's:
Maseo of De La Soul
along w/ Stevie D - Fresh Kid Cue - Culture Chris - Keen One

34th Terrace and N Miami Ave
Miami Fl, 33127

For Reservations, call 305 576-5570
Check out our Sunday Service Confessions blog

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Body Language

The some of the most intriguing concepts are often stemmed from the simplest of ideas and Amandine Alessandra, a British graphic designer, is living proof. Amandine created a project called "Wearable Lettering', which is changing the way we define body language. These performance typefaces play with bodies which are unconscious of the message they are conveying and plus they set an estranged scene.

(Click on the image above to see it in motion.)
The image above references the (real) passing of time in an everlasting choreography, with people standing as the Hours moving only once every 60 minutes, while the individual acting as the tenths of Seconds executes a very fast routine in a continual move.
Used in this specific context and by using people as a medium, this temporary letterform confronts the economic value of time (as in time is money) with the individual perception of it. What was achieved with this experiment with wearable type was a hic et nunc letterform, a letterform for the here and now, finding its raison d’être when used in real time.